I purchased a jar of this last week but I haven't tried it yet. I asked about Ghee at one of my favorite Yahoo groups - GFCFKids. Some moms have posted that their children had casein reactions to it. Some moms have posted that their children did not react to it. After reading several posts, I think I will try it 50/50 with GFCF margarine and see if there are any changes, as was suggested by one of the GFCFKids' moms. I really miss the buttery flavor of butter. The GFCF unsalted Fleischman's margarine just doesn't have it, even when I add salt...
(For an update on this subject, click Here.)
I have used Ghee a lot. It has a smell to it you have to get used to! My son never had a reaction to it, but as with everything, start out with a little bit. Some people say you keep it at room temp but I was kind of afraid it would go bad, once opened. I would be interested to know how you like it!
We used Ghee when we were doing the Specific Carb Diet. It tastes like butter but I always had to add extra salt for the full effect. You need less of it than a recipe calling for real butter needs, or else things are runny. I'd say, if my memory is correct, a little more than half of what the recipe calls for.
Thanks Ladies. I opened it and at first sniff the aroma was "wax". I tasted it and I think I like it. It is very creamy. Then I sniffed again and I could smell the buttery-ness.
I think I am a little different about butter than some people. LOL. My beloved Grandma and Grandaddy (both sets of grandparents actually) lived on their farm, but these Grandparents had dairy cows and Grandma churned milk and made her own butter. I always had a little taste test with her once she got it salted and set in her beautiful wooden molds. Friends have said "ew gross!" when they've seen me have a little taste of butter before.
I will definitely remember to use it sparingly. And I also think it should be refrigerated - here in the South in the warm months anyhow.
Thank you.
Hey...I tried it with baked potatoes. It felt a little extravagant using $9 butter, I must tell you! But it was delicious - the flavor is so concentrated. I didn't use half as much as I normally would of real butter or margarine and it was so buttery! I will definitely dilute it with GFCF margarine next time. Thanks again. :)
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